Focus and Refocus

When I need to reclaim my focus, I exercise.  When I am pushing my body to new limits, sweating, and concentrating, I tend to come up with the best business ideas.  Unlike some people, I love to exercise alone.  I do not enjoy having people attempt to talk to me when I need my oxygen for myself and I’m focusing on pushing myself.  I am not alone with my belief that moving your body brings clarity and focus to life.  Research has already proven that moderate exercise improves our cognitive abilities in major ways.  Instead of sitting on your rump waiting for your next big moment of clarity, try moving your body instead.  Here are a few ways to make your exercise interesting.

Walk with your favorite tunes or podcast.  Music and movement go together or if you want to learn something new try a new podcast episode.  You may get hooked.

If you have a dog, let them join you for your walk.  They do not require a lot of small talk so you can enjoy your walk while saving your breath.

If you have trails near you, take a hike.  Take in the views and enjoy nature.

If you can’t make it outside you can still carve out time to refocus by creating a exercise routine at home.

Whatever you choose to do, remember you deserve time to take care of yourself, you matter. 

Take Care Time

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